Monday, December 23, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 36 weeks!

Every update is a little bit more exciting than the last for us. As of last time, I reported my blood pressure was still high but no protein. Last week that changed. We went in for a weekly prenatal appointment to find my blood pressure at 158/110. Whoops! Routinely, they do the rest of the prenatal appointment, check for protein in my urine...yep it was there. My OB decided to go ahead and check for dilation and effacement and run a StrepB test because she wanted to send us to labor and delivery to monitor my BP. We spent about an hour in triage doing a non stress test and monitoring my BP. It slowly started to drop after laying on my side and relaxing thankfully. They released us and sent me to do labs to check for pre-e again. And again, thankfully my labs came back okay with only slightly low platelets but nothing really to be concerned about.

Today, again, my BP was just as high as it was last week at the appointment. I had an NST then an appointment with my OB. My OB then comes in and says "I think I want you to go to L&D again today and I think its time to induce!" "AH! When?" and she says "Next week, if your blood pressure goes down today!" Continues appointment to do cervical check, 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. She calls L&D to let them know we are headed that way and to schedule an induction date. She asks us "Tuesday on NYE or Thursday, January 2nd?" Meanwhile, Heath and I stare at each other with wide eyes and blurt out "January 2nd!" I know that was a moment of slight panic and sheer excitement at the same time for us. NYE was just a little too soon but January 2nd was just enough time to prepare and spend a couple more days together. As you might have guessed, L&D released us and let us come home with strict orders of bed rest for me until next week. 

SOOO...we are having a baby next week on January 2nd!!!!!!

(Unless my BP is out of control and OB decides to go ahead and induce at one the next two appointments I have on Thursday and Monday!) 

If you can join us in prayer for first and foremost for Heath and I as we spend this last week with family and just the two of us together. Secondly, for me to literally RELAX and take bed rest seriously. The last thing we want is for my body to begin to develop pre-eclamspia all the sudden or any side effects of high blood pressure. Lastly, that we can be at peace and get last minute things together before he is here next week! (So much for baseboards need cleaned yall!) ;-)    

I am hoping to update at least one more time before he is here next week! Until then, here are a few pictures to hold you over!

27 to 36 weeks!
First load of the cutest laundry possible!

Heath's Graduation Dinner! So proud!

Part of the gallery wall in Griffs room!

He will be the best dad.

Sweet baby at 34 weeks!

A print my sweet friend Kelsee made for me. It turned out perfect!

This week, baby is the size of a: watermelon! (19 to 22 in, 6.5 lbs) At our 34 week ultrasound, he weighed 5 lbs and was in the 22 percentile. Little bub!
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 36 weeks!
Next appointment: Thursday, December 26th for a NST, Monday, December 30th for NST, ultrasound and prenatal!
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: 40 whopping pounds. :) more cushion for the nugget. HA!
Stretch marks: Not on the belly! But somewhere else, ha! 
Swelling: YES. It is MORE than obvious if you have seen me in the last few weeks people. Face, hands and feet are AWFUL especially for the first half of the day. So bad that it hurts to put shoes on and clench my fists. Looking forward to looking (and feeling) normal soon haha!
Maternity clothes: Yes of course! If you're 34 weeks and not, there is something wrong. PLUS you're totally missing out.
Belly button: Flat and flush with my belly!
Sleep: Meh...What is that? It is rare to have a good night of sleep as of late. If I am not waking up to go to the bathroom, its because my hands are extremely swollen, or I have to roll over!
Food cravings/aversions: Clementines and Blue Bell peppermint ice cream!
Movement: Of course. Now he is running out of room and his favorite place to go is in my ribs. He also likes to stick his little hiney out!
Wedding ring: Off :-( and replaced with a cheap-o diamond band from Dillards!
What I miss: Not being swollen and being able to be up and doing whatever I want.
What I'm loving: First of all...being home with my husband since he just graduated and is on the hunt for a job! I wish he could work from home with me for all of life because I love him here with me! Secondly, at our last ultrasound at 34 weeks, we were told he has lots of dark hair. I CANT WAIT TO SEE IT!
What I'm looking forward to: Welllll....the fact that we will have our little one in our arms in almost a week. YES REALLY! We are getting induced January 2nd if my blood pressure can stay under control until then!
Best moment this week: The past few weeks have been eventful again. Heath graduating, me finishing working, relaxing at home. And finding out we will have Griffin home with us in a little over a week!
Milestones: Well, we haven't delivered yet! Haha! My blood pressure being so high and the chance of preeclampsia possibly rearing it's ugly head, every appointment is up in the air and an accomplishment if I get to leave and come home!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 34 weeks!

In my last post, I talked about our appointment where my blood pressure was high and they found protein in my urine. We got moved to weekly appointments to watch my BP. Every appointment for the last three weeks, I have had high BP but no protein in my urine which is a BLESSING and more. We haven't had to run labs again, but we did start non-stress tests weekly to be safe! Today, we had our first non-stress test and everything looked good. The only thing they were concerned about was I was having contractions closer together than they were comfortable with. So they checked my cervix and ran a test to make sure I wasn't in preterm labor. My cervix was okay in the ultrasound and I haven't heard about the test. Fortunately, I have some the greatest nurses and OB ever and relieved me of any worry I might have about it.

Every appointment can be overwhelming for me knowing he could be coming at anytime. I just know I want him to be healthy and closer we get to 37 weeks the better I will feel! Just prayers the non-stress tests go well and my BP will stay "normal" high and preeclampsia doesn't develop. We would love to make it to term! Although my OB did comfort me in saying the steroid shots should ease all my worry in the case of him coming earlier than planned! I really feel so comfortable and blessed to have a doctor that is honest, real and who listens when you are concerned. I mean, I wouldn't be against a Christmas baby. ;-) Although, he would probably hate us later in life if that happened.

We have really had a good busy 3 weeks...they have flown by. I shot my last wedding in DFW, worked on the nursery, had our first snow, celebrated Thanksgiving and just enjoyed any downtime we have. I know the rest of this pregnancy will over before we know it. Tomorrow we are down to at the most 6 weeks. (Which it will probably be sooner!) Oh my gosh! What an exciting thing. I know that I am definitely feeling pregnant and don't think my belly can grow anymore. My skin feels stretched to its end and Griffin feels cramped and out of room. We shall see how much bigger I get! 

31 weeks!

The start of nursery decor!

32 weeks!

33 weeks!

A little bit more of the nursery!

My love and I on Thanksgiving!

This week, baby is the size of a: head of lettuce! (19 in, 4,9 lbs!)
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 34 weeks!
Next appointment: Monday, December 9th
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: I am at about 30 pounds. It has gone up and down the past few weeks. 
Stretch marks: None yet!
Swelling: Yep. Totally in the face. and hands, duh. Waiting for the day my feet look like sausages.
Maternity clothes: Yes of course! If you're 34 weeks and not, there is something wrong. PLUS you're totally missing out.
Belly button: So I didn't lie that 33 weeks would be the week it was flat! Yep! Offically flat belly button.
Sleep: It is okay! I wake up early on a regular basis like before. Now my body just aches if I lay in one spot too long...then to flip over is the hardest part. Blegh!
Food cravings/aversions: Clementines! 
Movement: Holy. "Mom, excuse me, could you stretch your skin a little more, I am running out of room!!' Yeah...lots of movement. I feel like I could look at my bare belly and determine which of his extremities is trying to break out.
Wedding ring: Off :-( and replaced with a cheap-o diamond band from Dillards!
What I miss: Not feeling puffy and exhausted all the dang time? Haha!
What I'm loving: Everything. Although, for the first time this whole time...I feel 100% pregnant! Tired, achy, huge and hungry 99% of the time!
What I'm looking forward to: Monday morning we will have another ultrasound! Looking forward to see how big he is. I am guessing over 5 lbs 5 oz. Those steriod shots probably gave him a big boost in growth. 
Best moment this week: Since the last time I updated not a lot has happened besides weekly routine prenatal appointments and working on his nursery. I think the best thing that has happened is I finished shooting and am wrapping up editing for the year and Heath will be done with school next week! So proud and excited for him! Only a week and half until he graduates!  
Milestones: Well, we haven't delivered yet! Haha! My blood pressure being so high and the chance of preeclampsia possibly rearing it's ugly head, every appointment is up in the air and an accomplishment if I get to leave and come home!