Sunday, August 25, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 19 weeks!

The last few weeks I have posted about my sweet Pop being diagnosed with cancer, then a fast decline with the cancer, and last week I asked for prayers of healing for him. Well after my post last week on Monday, the next day I decided to not go to the hospital after being there every day since he was admitted three weeks ago. I got a call Tuesday afternoon while we were in a movie that he had peacefully been called Home. I had a sigh of relief, then an overwhelming sadness flooded my body. This is the first person in my life that I loved so dearly and so closely to pass in our family. So for me, this was extremely hard (as it was for the rest of our family). I am not familiar with death nor have a dealt with it very often in my life. Mind you, being pregnant doesn't make this any easier...crazy hormones. So this week was about our family celebrating my sweet Pop. We received so much love, from close family friends, to friends that just care, to people that we don't talk to often. We received insane amounts of food (I partly blame the growth of my belly on this one!), hugs, calls, flowers, and support. We cried at the reality of our loss, but rejoiced the life he had and the legacy he left behind. Starting a new week is hard. And I am not sure if I want to because its a week that we will have to live life without him, but we will. Even if I would rather see him holding our sweet little boy in a short 4 months and celebrating one more Christmas with him. But we will live it to the fullest.  Just like the example my Granna is doing for our Pop. She is strong you guys, she celebrates the life she lived with him even in the moments she has tears running down her face. I only hope to be half the woman she is when I am her age. She is amazing. As I approach week 20, with a sad but hopeful and trusting heart, I know that our sweet boy with know and love Pop even if he didn't have the chance to physically meet him! 

In news of baby and belly and all of the stuff you actually probably came here to read. Things are good. I am actually starting to feel pregnant! My stomach has made its appearance this week with the assistance of A LOT of eating and of course a growing pea. When I bend over, I can feel something in there. There is ALWAYS a grunt assisted with the bending over these days. I love to sit on the floor with legs curled up to my chest to watch TV and be on my laptop. Yeah...that wont be happening for much longer! ;-) Okay, here's the bump...

This week, baby is the size of a: mango!
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 19 (1/2) weeks
Next appointment: September 3rd
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows! I will find out next appointment! 
Stretch marks: None!
Swelling: Feet after a shooting a wedding and I noticed my hands swelling this weekend from being outside!
Maternity clothes: This week a belly has definitely grown and its noticeable (finally!)! Regular shirts and tops are starting to get smaller...ESPECIALLY in the bust area. (Holy moly!) So I am sure I will be venturing into all maternity clothes soon. 
Belly button: Normal
Sleep: Sleep was so great this week because of how exhausted we were from our week.
Food cravings/aversions: Not much of anything. Today I craved I took a little jar of hamburger slices to my aunt's. And while we floated in the pool, I ate my pickles...and drank some of the jar. HA! Funny!
Movement: SO much movement, I still cannot believe thats a little baby in there moving around! Last week I felt him mostly in my lower belly and this week I have started to feel him right around my belly button! Also have felt him a few times with my hand and as soon as I call Heath over to try to feel he decides to fall asleep! 
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really at all!
What I'm loving: We went to look for nursery furniture for little man this weekend when we had a little downtime one morning. Crazy that we will start on the nursery soon. If you know me, you know I am so excited! Just not sure where to start...maybe once I have a better direction I will post a blog with ideas and colors and such on what we are going for! 
What I'm looking forward to: First, being HALF WAY THERE on THURSDAY!!! Second, our anatomy ultrasound a week from Tuesday! Excited because its a 'fancy' ultrasound and we will get to see our sweet boy for longer than just a few minutes. I will probably wait to update our 20 week update after that appointment so I can update you all about it! 
Best moment this week: Well, not exactly a 'good' week with my Pop passing away besides knowing he isn't suffering anymore and is way better off not here as much as I selfishly wish he could be here. 
Milestones: Not really any major milestones, just one week closer to meeting our sweet boy! I am starting to feel a difference when I am bending over and getting dressed. There is a growing belly and it has just started to appear all the sudden! Amazing.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 18 weeks!

This week has been rough again with our family. My pop has had a fast decline over the past couple weeks and cancer has decided to attack at its strongest. I hate it. I hate to see him weak. I hate to see our family hurt. I especially don't like cancer. BUT I love Jesus, I love my family and the love we share with each other. We would never get through this if it wasn't for our close bond and our God. I love that we can tell stories and laugh after we have cried all day together. I love that Granna will tells us stories of when her and Pop were dating. Like when he would pull over on the highway, turn up the music, get out of the car, and pull Granna out just to dance. How can you not smile at the thought of that! 

But amidst the brokenness we take hold of what is most important and choose the love that is greater than life itself. And that is His love! If you can just continue to pray that He leads Granna and her kiddos in the right direction, that we feel His comfort and that we have hope in HIS plan for our Pop! I just want to thank those of you who have reached out in our time of need. Your prayers and love for Pop and Granna and our family are so appreciated! We love each and every one of you for your kindness! 

This week, baby is the size of a: mango!
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 18 (1/2) weeks
Next appointment: September 3rd
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows! I will find out next appointment! 
Stretch marks: None!
Swelling: Just feet after shooting a wedding, which is normal!
Maternity clothes: Wearing my pants because they are so darn comfortable! 
Belly button: Normal
Sleep: Sleep is so-so. One night it is great, next night I wake up every hour. My hips are starting to hurt after a night of sleep. 
Food cravings/aversions: Chips and queso. All day everyday this week.
Movement: SO much movement, I still cannot believe thats a little baby in there moving around! Last week I felt him mostly in my lower belly and this week I have started to feel him right around my belly button! Also have felt him a few times with my hand and as soon as I call Heath over to try to feel he decides to fall asleep! 
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really at all!
What I'm loving: This week is browsing all the things we will need for our little man! There are so many options for strollers, car seats, cribs, breast pump...etc. So, I have been reading and researching! If you have any suggestions or things you love mommas, let me know! I would love to hear what worked for my friends that are mommas!
What I'm looking forward to: Starting on the nursery and registering for our guy to start nesting!
Best moment this week: First, my brother and sis in law are having a little girl!!!! I am so happy that our sweet boy will have a sweet cousin thats a girl! Other than that, this week has been rough for me with my pop in the hospital. The best is that He is so very close to us in moments of brokenness and heartbreak. His love is larger than life.
Milestones: Feeling our guy move higher in my belly! OH! And we decided on our guy's name...which we will announce soon! (After we decide on a middle name!) ;-)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 17 weeks!

I am a little late this week on the update! We have had a long and crazy week for us. My sweet pop has been in the hospital for a few weeks now and was diagnosed with cancer this past weekend. Almost everyday last week, I was up at the hospital visiting with him and just being around family. It was been TOUGH, ya'll. There is nothing easy about cancer, sickness, or anything of that nature when it is someone you love. It is not easy to watch them get weaker as every day goes by. It is not easy to watch each family member hurt and sob and cry out to God. He will begin chemo tomorrow in hope that it can stop and slow the cancer down. We are praying healing and comfort for him as he approaches this scary road. We are praying for no suffering and for our family to take hold and embrace EVERY moment we have with him. I just want to also point out that the Lord has orchestrated this into our lives in the most graceful way possible. Every step, nurse, procedure, person, EVERYTHING we have come in contact with during these past two weeks, God has made His glory known. It is amazing how much He cares for His people and He will will take care even the tiniest of worries to make this journey a little bit more comforting. Can you join me in praying that and for peace and understanding in this time for us?

Other than that, like I said, our week was crazy with this devastating news then shooting Friday and Saturday, a 14 hour wedding. (I pat myself on the back for that one you guys!) In no way was it easy, but I did it, it was a blast and I cannot thank friends and family for praying for me through the day. So thankful. The best thing that happened last week was feeling our sweet guy move! More on that below... :)

Last week right at 17 weeks and when I felt him for the first time!

Today at 17 weeks 5 days!

This week, baby is the size of a: sweet potato!
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 17 (1/2) weeks
Next appointment: September 3rd
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: I think about 5-10 lbs. I will really need to check next time at my appt!
Stretch marks: None!
Swelling: Just feet after shooting a wedding, which is normal!
Maternity clothes: I have a few pairs of pants and cute solid tees! I am wearing the pants pretty often because they are so dang comfy, but my shirts are still too big and I look more like I ate too many chips and salsa than anything else! ;-)
Belly button: Normal
Sleep: Sleep was great last week before the weekend. THEN the weekend came, I shot a 14 hour wedding and I don't think my body could slow down. So exhaustion has hit me this week and I am going to bed earlier than usual. 
Food cravings/aversions: Fruit! Grapefruits, peaches, bananas, apples. Pickles. Mexican food. YEP!
Movement: YES, YES, YES!!! I felt him last Wednesday night right at 17 weeks! Earlier in the day I felt the same thing but I had no idea what it was. It felt more like gas than anything else. Later in the day after dinner  I was laying on the couch and I felt it again. At first I questioned if it was him, then I convinced myself it wasn't. Then not even 10 minutes later it happened again and it was obvious it was him! Such an amazing feeling!!! Everyday his movements get more and more obvious. I am just so excited for Heath to be able to feel him. 
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really at all!
What I'm loving: Just simply being pregnant! I have loved every bit of this journey so far. I know I am only half way through it (woah!) but it has been one of the coolest experiences ever. And getting to buy the cutest little outfits for him...I cannot handle myself. I have already bought to sets of hangers for all the clothes I have bought and we have received from sweet friends! Thank you all for your outpouring of love on baby hobgood ALREADY! WE ARE BLESSED!
What I'm looking forward to: For it to be OBVIOUS, I am pregnant and not just consuming a lot of food and letting it all hang out! Haha! And for Heath to feel our sweet pea move!
Best moment this week: Feeling our sweet boy move and shake and dance around in my belly! Other than that, it has been a very emotional week for my family and I with my Pop in the hospital.
Milestones: Those sweet little fishy movements from him. Hopefully our next milestone will be deciding on a name for our little man!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 16 weeks!

As most of you know and had been waiting to hear...we are having a boy! Yesterday, we showed up to our appointment and were the first to get called back after the lunch hour which was awesome after waiting all morning for it! They did all the normal stuff...blood pressure, weight, asking to make sure everything looked great! At first my blood pressure was high, mostly because I was nervous. So they took it again about 5 minutes later and it was normal. Our OB told me she was scared she was about to have to admit me into the hospital! Haha! All I needed to do was take a few deep breathe! We go to the ultrasound room and she starts immediately! I got emotional at first, I think mostly because just seeing your baby on a screen is an amazing thing in itself and to add to it we were finding out what it was! And not even a minute into it she says, "Yep, thats a boy!" Haha, no hesitation! She had a second opinion come in just in case and the nurse said the exact same thing! "That's definitely a boy!!" If you know me and I had the chance to tell Heath "I told you so!" Even though I have been thinking (and knows best right?) it was a boy, a whole new excitement and joy flood my heart knowing it was a boy! I would have been obviously happy either way but for some reason it was perfect. 

We left the appointment and went to visit my Granna and Pop and aunt first to tell them because my Pop is in the hospital (keep him in your prayers especially today please!) And my Granna said "Its a boy!!!" before I could even tell her! Then we went run a few errands to get things to have family over for dinner last night. We went to get a few outfits from Target and I wanted to get EVERYTHING. Heath said it was a good thing it wasn't a girl because we would have spent way too much money on clothes! (yesterday and for the rest of our lives!)

Everyone came over and we decorated the fireplace with boy clothes and blue balloons and streamers! So when they walked in they found out it was a boy! It was so fun to see everyone's reaction!! My family all thought it was a girl so they were surprised! Then we spent the evening just hanging out and celebrating with a little blue confetti!

We are so excited for a boy to join our little family! Looking forward to a lot of blue, basketball, football, wrestling, and more! Heath is going to be such a great boy dad, looking forward to these next few weeks as we decide on a name. We had made a list about a week ago of our top four names and it has slightly changed since then. We have two favorites now and will decide hopefully soon! Its not easy naming a human being you guys! Enjoy pictures from last night and a shot from Saturday evening when I was shooting a wedding that Heath got for me! 

This week, baby is the size of a: turnip!
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 16 (1/2) weeks
Next appointment: September 3rd
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: Forgot to ask yesterday! But we think about 5-7 pounds. My belly hasnt really grown since week 15, thinking that the next few weeks I will start obviously showing and gaining some more!
Exercise: I have so much energy as of late, I feel like I am up and moving around pretty often. Mostly walking! Planning on trying to do yoga this week...Ill let you know how that goes. ;-)
Stretch marks: None!
Swelling: Just feet after shooting a wedding, which is normal!
Maternity clothes: I am wearing one pair of pants when its not scorching hot and a few shirts but still mostly in my normal clothes!
Belly button: Normal
Sleep: Sleep has been meh this week. I think mostly because I have had so much on my mind and anxious to find out the gender! But last night, I got a full nights sleep without getting up once or even waking up one time. That is a HUGE accomplishment!
Food cravings/aversions: Fruit! Grapefruits, peaches, bananas, apples. Pickles. Started craving Thai Pepper this past week and am going today, I cannot wait! 
Movement: Not that I know of! I cannot wait to feel them though!
Labor signs: Nope
What I miss: Nothing really at all!
What I'm loving: That I am feeling great! And even more important and exciting news...that were having a BOY!!!! I knew from the time we got pregnant that it was a boy so confirmation was so fun.
What I'm looking forward to: Again, having an obvious bump and start to look pregnant! Excited to start thinking (or pinning!) about the nursery and decide on a name! 
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender and spending time with family! It was the peak of our week after a little bit of an emotionally draining weekend with a family member in the hospital and two weddings this weekend. 
Milestones: Each week is a milestone really! Knowing the gender is a huge one for us, its a little bit more that we know about our baby! (and closer to meeting him!)