Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Baby Hobgood: 24 & 25 weeks!

I haven't been updating weekly because there isn't much to update! Griffin is a growing little man which equals a growing belly. And I am not sure how interested you all are in seeing my belly every week! ;-) From now on, I will probably just be updating the blog every couple of weeks unless something significant happens one week.

Not much has been going on in our world besides work for me and school for Heath. Just living life is making time go by so fast, I can't believe it! Last Thursday, I got my weekly email saying what the new week holds for the baby. I opened it and it said, "You are 25 weeks pregnant, 15 weeks to go!" I gasped when I saw the 15 weeks to go and sent it to Heath! Holy MOLY! How did that happen...? I am so excited but at the same time have so much I want or need to get done before that time. EEK! 

Speaking of getting things done...want to see what I have in mind for the nursery? I have been pinning and brainstorming like crazy. This past weekend, I spent Saturday and Sunday with my mom, aunt, granna, and cousins going shopping and crafting like crazy! We spent time at Granna's house doing all this...it was SO much fun. I made a canvas for Griff's room, grabbed some deer antlers that were my Pop's that we will hang on the wall, and talked with my Granna about patterns and fabrics to use for the bedding. Here is a little peek at what I am envisioning...

hopefully i wont change my mind ;-)

25 weeks 5 days

This week, baby is the size of a: eggplant! (9.2 in, 2 lbs!)
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 25 (1/2) weeks
Next appointment: October 30th
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: close to 20 pounds!
Stretch marks: None yet!
Swelling: Just hands after eating salty foods, but nothing else really!
Maternity clothes: Yes of course! Like before, I can still wear most of my shirts and tops. I haven't noticed too many looking short yet...they just fit differently haha! In all maternity pants...and they are so dang comfy. 
Belly button: Still in surprisingly! I thought by this week it would be flat...it is getting closer. Im guessing again by week 28 it will be flat! 
Sleep: Sleep is so-so. I sleep the heaviest in the morning after Heath gets up for class. Haha! Rolling over has been interesting...my abdominal muscles are always sore from them stretching! So sometimes its painful to roll over.
Food cravings/aversions: Over the last couple of weeks I haven't had a consistent craving. I do feel like I am eating constantly...this little guy is no different than his dad. Heath can still eat like he did when he was teenager. I think Griff has the appetite like him.
Movement: Still...I cannot get over that I can feel him move all through out the day. I don't think it will ever ever ever get old. My family felt AND saw him moving for the first time this weekend. Their reactions were the best! I have been feeling kicks up closer to my ribs which my ob said its a good sign that he is not breech and could be head down, but also warned me to get ready for some good jabs to the ribs here in a few weeks if thats the case.
Wedding ring: Still on! Hoping it stays that way.
What I miss: There isn't much I miss. The same as last blog update, I am having a hard time adjusting to the fact that I can't be on my feet all day and doing whatever I want without getting tired and needing to rest. I still think I am superwoman or something. It is so hard for me to make myself just rest, even though I know it is best for our little man and for me. I am still getting used to it!
What I'm loving: Just loving being pregnant even when I feel exhausted some days. This is truly such a blessing and could not be more thankful for being able to experience it.
What I'm looking forward to: Not sure! Im looking forward to my next appointment of course...but it will be my gluclose screening. I have heard good and bad...so we shall see! But other than that, the third trimester, our baby shower is in a month, and then our 30 week ultrasound a couple of days after the shower. Its weird that in the beginning you have an ultrasound more often than in the end! 
Best moment this week: Uhmmm, probably having Heath and my family see and feel how active Griffin is. Their excitement makes it that much more fun!
Milestones: We hit six months about a two weeks ago! How in the world is this going by so fast? Slow down time! 


  1. I can't handle how cute you are. Griffin is a lucky little man!

  2. I love that crib and dresser! Do you know what website they came from?

  3. I love all of the nursery ideas. I can't wait to see it completed! You look so cute and happy!
