By no means has this pregnancy been easy emotionally, physically maybe it has been easy for me. But thats okay! I read an article this morning talking about how some weeks you just wake up on Monday morning and KNOW its going to be one of those weeks. You're going to be late, tired, there are going to be piles of laundry staring you in the face and the bills are going to fill your kitchen counter. Here is a part of it that REALLY hit home with me as I peeled myself out of bed this morning:
Agh! How awesome is that! All of the bold quotes are my favorite and the things that I am grasping onto this week AND for the rest of our pregnancy. Really for life. Change can be the hardest freaking thing we approach even when it's something we want.
"No one knows but you do war every single day with the slanderous voices in your head and you wrestle a bit with the death dark that encroaches around the edges of everything and you’re never the only one: anyone who gets up has to push back the dark.
I’m standing there in front of the mirror.
Standing there, looking right into me and the abyss of the mess of me that I’ll never get all right. And it comes down to this: Christianity is the only hope for this broken world because there’s no other way for the broken to get the Nails they need to rebuild.
That’s what this week needs, that’s all this week needs most:
More than needing schedules and productivity, this week will need a Savior and prayer. God’s not asking me to produce– He’s asking me to pray. God’s not asking me to climb ladders — He’s asking me to kneel and let go. Right there at the mirror, right at the beginning, the week begins to unfurl in slow, in hope.
And that’s what I whisper into the mirror:
His grace will be more than just sufficient — His grace is guaranteed to actually save. Time, me, the week, all redeemed and miracles happen in mirrors and to people we know. When we know Christ, we always know how things are going to go — always for our good and always for His glory. The sun flashes blaze in the mirror.
The week has this written all over it: God only allows pain if He’s allowing something new to be born."
Agh! How awesome is that! All of the bold quotes are my favorite and the things that I am grasping onto this week AND for the rest of our pregnancy. Really for life actually. Change can be the hardest freaking thing we approach even when it's something we might want. But I am taking days, minutes and seconds at a time and enjoying every little thing I can. Not because I am terrified for our boy to be here or the future but because I want to spend every moment reminding myself that He is GOOD. And every moment is GOOD and MEANINGFUL despite its a crappy moment or a really happy moment. And that this is ALL for His glory. Its not freaking about me. Nor do I want it to be about me.
So Jesus, THANK YOU for refining me, our marriage, our life. We welcome you in to our lives everyday and lay it all at your feet.
My husband makes me laugh. I adore him. |
Jaxx wanted in on the fun! :) |
This week, baby is the size of a: spaghetti squash! (8 in, 1 WHOLE POUND!)
Due date: January 17th, 2014
How far along: 21 (1/2) weeks
Next appointment: October 1st
Gender: ITS A BOY!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: 14 pounds total!
Stretch marks: None!
Swelling: No swelling as of lately!
Maternity clothes: A belly has definitely grown finally but I am still in most of my normal clothes but wearing all maternity and yoga pants! I am getting so excited for the fall to layer and wear sweaters and scarves.
Belly button: Normal
Sleep: Sleep is so-so. I sleep the heaviest in the morning after Heath gets up for class. Haha!
Food cravings/aversions: Not a lot of cravings lately!
Movement: It is seriously crazy, he is moving ALL the time! I felt a few serious jabs last night for the first time. I was shocked!
Wedding ring: Still on!
What I miss: Nothing really at all!
What I'm loving: This week I have loved seeing my belly move when Griffin is moving around.
What I'm looking forward to: I am enjoying where we are right now. We are enjoying each other, the pups, and me personally being pregnant. I am enjoying every bit of my energy and all the good that comes with the second trimester before I get to the third in a few weeks! (Hooooly cow! Third Trimester!) Cant even believe that is almost here.
Best moment this week: We started registering last weekend. First, its overwhelming and I am so glad we started now so I can research a little more and pick the brains of my mom friends. Second, it was fun to pick out little bitty things.
Milestones: I literally feel like this week for the first time I have a legit bump. Every time I walk past a mirror, I am surprised and shocked that I have a belly! It will be hard to get used to. I know so far its hard to dress with a bit of a belly, can't imagine what its going to be like later. AH! Not only does it look like I have a bump, I can literally FEEL my belly growing. My skin is tight!
Love your little bump, you are too cute! I can't wait to hit 21 weeks!